This term seems to both be flying by, and barely moving at all. I'm performing my sufficiency recital in a little over a week, which is a very scary thought to be honest - I've never been in front of an audience like that performing solo works. And 2 of the works are unaccompanied. Talk about nerve wracking! But, I have many friends who are coming out to support me on this... and my parents are coming to see me... So hopefully I will be prepared in time!
The program of the recital is pretty awesome, too...
Haydn's Lark Quartet (1st mvmt)
Mozart Duet for Viola and Violin (1st mvmt)
Telemann Concerto in G Major for Viola (all 4 mvmts)
Bach Cello Suites transcribed for Viola (Suite 3 Courante mvmt)
Reger Suites for Solo Viola (1st Suite 1st mvmt)
I've "performed" all of these pieces before, for NYSSMA, with the exception of the Mozart Duet/the Reger Suite... and of course, those are the most technically challenging pieces of the recital.
I'm glad I decided to wait for this recital though, and not due it in C term. There is no way I could have been prepared, and besides I think I would have killed people with the stress I ended up being under last term, between PLA-ing and Chris being in Cali, etc etc.
Lots of performing coming up next week, I'm kinda excited about that... Recital is on Saturday, at 2PM, and then also Friday at 6:30 PM BDT is going to host a showcase event of dancing on campus. I'm doing a waltz dance with Chris. We're heading to Norm's tonight to get some moves, and have it somewhat (if not all the way) choreographed for us. I'm excited... I haven't done real choreography since the last SbS recital senior year. I just hope I don't die with all of the rehearsal I have to do!!!